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vol. 38 abstract:
Original article
Sensorimotor versus core stabilization home exercise programs following total knee arthroplasty: a randomized controlled trial
Ebru Gülek Karadüz
1, 2
Riza Emrah Demirbaş
Ayça Yağcioğlu
Şule Badıllı Hantal
Advances in Rehabilitation, 2024, 38(1) 20–34
Online publish date: 2024/03/22
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Although total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a frequently performed surgery, a standard rehabilitation approach has not yet been established. The study aimed to investigate the effects of sensorimotor and core stabilization exercises on proprioception, range of motion, balance, and function following TKA. Material and methods This randomized trial was conducted with 40 female patients (69.38 ± 5.81 years) undergone unilateral TKA. Participants were randomly allocated to either the sensorimotor group (N = 20) or core stabilization group (N = 20). Patients performed exercise programs over 6 week between second and eighth weeks postoperatively. Proprioception, knee and hip range of motion, Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Scale, Berg Balance Scale, Timed Up and go test, and 5-times sit-to-stand test were measured on three separate occasions: preoperative (E0), before treatment (E1), and after treatment (E2) during postoperative rehabilitation. Results A statistically significant improvement was found in both groups for all outcomes between E1 and E2 (p < 0.05). However, the difference between the groups was found only in the KOOS-sportive recreational activities (p < 0.001), favoring the sensorimotor group. Additionally, the treatment programs provided recovery of knee and hip ROM and proprioception (p < 0.05). Conclusions Core stabilization exercises are effective for improving balance, proprioception, function, and ROM; however, sensorimotor exercises are more effective in the acquisition of sports and recreational activities. Both programs contribute to improvement in rehabilitation through non-operated extremity. keywords:
Functional Performance, Knee, Rehabilitation, Replacement, Arthroplasty |
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